Archive for the ‘THEWHATWORKS cabaret’ Category

we be jammin

February 12, 2009

Patsy will be in the studio today, jamming and recording with a strange man that she has never met.

Well, she thinks she may have met him once, but frankly she was a little too wasted to remember.

But the Strange Man likes the way she howls and wants to immortalise the sound. Keep watching for the results, for you will be the first to hear…..

Champagne kisses (please??? somebody??? anybody!!!)

Pats xXx

jus don’t get me started…

February 12, 2009

oooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooooodddddd!!!!!

patsy likes. patsy very likes.

patsy, when she all grown up, she want one too.

Leaping into Space

February 10, 2009


Here we are for the very first time, making the plunge into the surreal world of bloggerythms. Not having been here before it is a slightly nerve-wracking ordeal.

Will people read what we write? Will they have any interest in the intricate working of THEWHATWORKS’ life? Will writing about these workings reveal too much about the day-to-day mundanities which generally characterise our world?

So why are we here? Late last week I had a very inspiring chat with my New Anonymous Web-Man (let us know him as NAWM) who was firm but kind in his assessment of our current web status. It is raggedy and uncoordinated and we are chronically lacking in all that makes this shit go. And we have to agree. We are amateurs, and have been playing like babies.

So here we are leaping unabashedly into web-world, revealing all to you, in the hopes that you, WHATWORKERS of the world, will leap right back at us, and help us to see ourselves in the way that you do. That you will give us insights into what actually does work, into what you would like to see more of, less of or not see at all. Throw us your responses, your comments, your ideas and your desires, and we shall do what we can to let them spring, sparkling, to life.

So what’s up in our lives right now? We have thrown ourselves, head-long, into preparations for this month’s show, BrasilBrasileiro@THEWHATWORKS on Friday 20th February. It will be a celebration of all things Brasilian, a nod to carnaval, an attempt to lift all those of us who are not caught in the swirling mass in Salvador da Bahia up to the same magnificent heights.

We are still searching for one final act to slop the icing on the moistylicious cake, so if you have any Carnavalesque talents that are waiting to burst to the fore, let us know! We are waiting for you…

More soon, in the meantime give us a shout and let us know WHATWORKS for you…..

Warmest wishes and champagne kisses,

imogen and THEWHATWORKS team xXx